
SwissRidge's Lulu Lemon is one of the most stunning of many gorgeous dogs produced by my mom. Yes, I admit that I named Lulu after the clothing company; I pretty much keep Lululemon in business. It’s what every stylish dog breeder is wearing! 

Lulu is not only a beauty, but a real character. She is living with my good friend, Manda Klein, who has this to say about Lulu:  

Lulu is everything I could have dreamed and much more. She is an extremely smart dog and adapts to any environment well and quickly. Lulu is calm but also very playful when the time is right. She loves to cuddle, watch movies, swim, go on hikes, and meet new puppy friends. Lulu is an extremely happy dog with lots of strange and funny traits. When Lulu is excited she wiggles her bum until she almost falls over. She loves giving us something we call “love bites” which are little vibrations she does with her mouth usually on our arms. Lulu also loves to be part of the conversation. She will turn her head side to side as you talk to her, or as she watches movies. She always pays attention very well. Though she is a big girl, don’t let her size scare you because she is the biggest baby you could ever meet! She is an extremely social dog and is comfortable around almost anyone and anything. Lulu loves children and knows exactly how to act when a small child is around. Not only is her personality great but Lulu is beautiful, and 
she knows it! She prances around in complete confidence and wants everyone to notice her and give her some love. She is the perfect dog and I don’t think I could ask for a better personality. 

Lulu comes from very strong lines, which we’ve traced back many generations. Lulu's parents are SwissRidge Colbert Portier and Sweetwater Farms Sabrina. You can find information about Colbert in the “Males” section on this website. Sabrina's photo and information are on my mom's website:  

Lulu’s mom, Sabrina, is an extremely sweet, quiet, intelligent Bernese, who passed the hip, elbow and joint conformation tests with flying colors. Sabrina’s mother, Hannah, also has sound hips and elbows, and a great temperament. Hannah’s mother is Heidi, a first generation direct import from Hungary with sound hips and elbows. Sabrina’s father is Arcadian’s Drapped Over Ron, who has a big, strong body structure and a sweet temperament. His hips are excellent, his elbows sound. He has an amazing background, his father being Cherokee Jack, whose parents are direct Imports from Czech Republic and Slovakia, and his mother, Cherokee Sally whose parents come from Hungary. 

As for Lulu’s father, Colbert, he is one of my mom’s finest Bernese Mountain Dogs, and he’s sired many amazing Bernese and Bernedoodle pups.  

Colbert is confident, calm and good natured. His body structure is large and strong—clearly designed for the draft and carting work for which the Bernese were initially bred. Colbert has excellent conformation and his markings are striking. His hips are excellent and his elbows negative for dysplasia. His heart is sound. His mother is Nellar, his grandmother is Veruschka, and his grandfather is imported Belgium Champion, Daiko—all of whom are owned by my mother. Colbert’s father is Dominique, whom we imported from a fabulous kennel in France after a year-long wait. 

You can find out more about all of these dogs on my mom’s website. It’s truly exciting to have one of her fourth-generation dogs in my breeding program. I love that we not only know the ancestors’ pedigrees and health records, but also know their personally. 

Weight: 100lbs
Height: 26.5"
