Harley is a Mini Bernedoodle, who was bred from Juno and Eddie right here at SwissRidge. 

Both Juno and Eddie come from a long line of genetically health tested and cleared parents. You can learn more about Juno on this website. Eddie is retired now, after a long and productive breeding career. He was one of my first Miniature Poodles and sired Goldendoodles and Bernedoodles. I credit him with helping me build my reputation for producing amazing, healthy family dogs.  

All the dogs in the kennel accept Harley as leader. In fact, we’ve nicknamed her Mother Bear. Calm and confident, she walks around the yard keeping everyone in check. She interacts with the other dogs in a gentle but authoritative way and they respect her. Although she does play with the dogs the odd time, she far prefers to observe, or better yet, be by my side. She’s very attached to me—a mama’s girl and my little shadow. 

She is also a curious little monkey and loves to go off on little adventures, such as finding cats in the woodpile. She’d never hurt one; she just likes to find them and point them out to me. Once she found a litter of kittens in the woodpile and brought me over to see them. She was pretty proud of herself!  
Harley had a chance to mingle with celebrities when a member of the band, Lady Antebellum, issued an invite to SwissRidge Bernedoodles. She was an excellent ambassador for my kennel and attracted a lot of attention. 

Weight: 40lbs
Height: 18.5"
